Every day, God is using Walk Thru the Bible to share His Word around the world. We serve the biblically unengaged, the persecuted church, and under-resourced pastors and Bible teachers—from India to Honduras, from Kenya to Moldova, from the UK to Venezuela, and the U.S. and Canada, we help people everywhere live God’s Word.
Every year, that’s two million souls in nearly 130 countries that we impact with God’s Word. Every day, that’s an opportunity to reach a life with the hope of Scripture.
And every day we offer God’s truth to a broken world with this certainty: The Bible changes everything.
Have you been impacted by a Walk Thru the Bible live event or biblical resource? Maybe it’s otLIVE or the Daily Walk Bible, indeed magazine or a One Year devotional book, a marriage conference or a Biblical Character Series study. Whatever the resource, we’d love to hear your story.
Simply fill out the form below to share your story! Let us know if you’re OK with us sharing it, and if you’re OK with us using your full name or first name (or “Anonymous”). Make your story as long or as short as you’d like. We won’t include any other identifying information unless you’re OK with it.
Thank you so much for stepping into the story with us!