Daily Walk , Special Features

NEW FREE Streaming Course: Contagious!

Join us for CONTAGIOUS: Parents Sharing God’s Word at Home!

Our new, FREE series called CONTAGIOUS: Parents Sharing God’s Word at Home, is a 5-session video course that helps parents learn how to share God’s Word with their kids.

Hosted by Phil Tuttle, Walk Thru the Bible’s president, CONTAGIOUS isn’t about reproducing church at home or having a 30-minute-a-day family altar that you’d better not miss—it’s about teaching our kids AND talking to them about God, His Word, and the great things He has done.

The 5 sessions include:

  • Session 1: A Picture
  • Session 2: A Purpose
  • Session 3: A Project
  • Session 4: A Pattern
  • Session 5: A Priority

At Walk Thru the Bible, we know that Bible engagement is the number one way that we grow in our relationship with God. When we truly, deeply engage with God’s Word, everything changes. This is our prayer for you and your children!


Additional Articles

Daily Walk

The Bible Brings Joy

There is nothing mundane about opening the Bible and hearing the voice of God. It should elicit such an excitement and joy and sense of celebration within us that makes a sporting event seem boring and trivial in comparison. Why? Because the Bible brings joy.

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Daily Walk

A Loving, Singing God

Did you know that God is a singer? Why would that be a surprise? He created us to sing; one would expect that He has some experience at it Himself. Yes, the Lord of all creation sings. That defies our image of the frozen-faced, always-disappointed God of high expectations.

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Daily Walk

Demonstrated Love

God demonstrated His own love for us in a rather remarkable way: He sent His beloved Son into the world to die for people who had long rebelled against and insulted Him. You don’t normally see that kind of love in this world. In fact, it’s supernatural.

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