Daily Walk

A Loving, Singing God

“He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

IN WORD    Did you know that God is a singer? Why would that be a surprise? He created us to sing; one would expect that He has some experience at it Himself. Yes, the Lord of all creation sings. That defies our image of the frozen-faced, always-disappointed God of high expectations. Sure, we have failed Him and our love is far too cold for such a lovely Lord. But that’s not what the Lord of glory focuses on. When judgment is spent, when He looks at a redeemed soul conforming to the image of Christ, God sings. And not just because He has to. His heart is in it.

That boggles our minds, doesn’t it? The God who loves us sings over us. We often think of His love as obligatory; He has to love us because He made us and redeemed us, but He doesn’t really enjoy it because of how we’ve failed Him. As we imagine Him, He has a purposeful love but not a passionate one. But that’s not the biblical picture of God. Scripture paints Him as highly emotional, deeply grieving over our sin and dancing in celebration over our repentance. In the Bible, God weeps, rejoices, grieves, dances, laughs, gets angry, and celebrates. And He sings.

Imagine the voice! In Revelation, His voice sounds like a trumpet (1:10) and a waterfall (1:15). Can you imagine a voice that exceeds all human instruments and the forces of nature? The volume, the tonality, the quality, the range! And the creativity of the song must be amazing. God-produced music must be astoundingly beautiful. And what’s most humbling and amazing is that He sings it over us.

IN DEED    Today, imagine the Lord Himself standing over you and singing with a huge smile on His face. No, it doesn’t matter what sin you’ve committed or what part of your character remains woefully underdeveloped. Not at this moment, anyway. Picture the singing Lord who can see into your heart, knowing what it will become. Picture the Savior who knows what you will finally look like one day when redemption is complete. Hear Him sing.

“When I hear this singing, I stand dumbfounded, staggered, speechless that He is singing over me.” – John Piper

READ: Zephaniah 3:14-17

© 2025, Walk Thru the Bible

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A Loving, Singing God

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