A 6-month, Year 2 Report on Our Vision to Double Ministry Impact in 3 Years
At Walk Thru the Bible, our mission is to help people everywhere live God’s Word, to ignite their passion for Scripture. In 130 countries around the world, we make the Bible understandable for people, not just accessible. We help people engage with the Bible and apply it to their lives.
In July 2019, we announced a bold, God-given vision for the ministry of Walk Thru the Bible: to double our global ministry impact in three years. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, we impacted the lives of more than 1.9 million people around the world. So by doubling our impact, this means that for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, we will impact 3.8 million lives.
Our plan for reaching this goal centers around seven growth strategies that we will focus on over the next three years to double our ministry impact. The strategies are:
- Launch a global ministry for kids
- Leverage technology to expand our ministry reach
- Establish partnerships that deliver events and resources to new audiences
- Expand our live event ministry among U.S. churches
- Increase content creation that encourages Bible engagement locally
- Develop an intensive and intentional pastor training model
- Broaden our ministry for the persecuted church
We’d like to share the progress we’ve made at the end of the first 6-month period for Year 2 of our plan.