Step Into The Story Podcast

Bill Newman: Chaplain of the Appalachian Trail

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Bill Newman encountered the Appalachian Trail for the first time at 17 years old on a single-day hike. That day, he vowed to return and hike the trail from start to finish. He wouldn’t accomplish that goal until over 20 years later. Little did he know that knocking an item off his bucket list would lead to a lifetime of adventure and ministry. Today, Bill has been hiking the “Granddaddy of All Trails” for two decades.

This was never part of his plan. Actually, after his first time completing the trail, Bill didn’t have any idea he would hike it again. But God had a much bigger idea. Over the course of the six months Bill was hiking, he continually crossed paths with people who weren’t just on a physical journey, but a spiritual one as well. He found opportunity after opportunity to share Jesus, both in word and action. He had taken the trail name “Circuit Rider,” inspired by the traveling preachers of the past. He never could’ve known just how applicable that name could be.

God started to show Bill that there was a mission for him on the trail, but Bill had a job and life he loved. He didn’t think there was any way he could give that up in order to spend his life hiking. He told God, “If I’m supposed to do this, it’s got to be all you. I’m not going to help you.” Bill would learn a life-changing lesson: God doesn’t need our help.

On this episode of Step Into the Story Podcast, you’ll hear the strange, inspiring, miraculous story of how God placed His call on Bill Newman, the Chaplain of the Appalachian Trail.


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