Bible Reading

Special Features

Special Features

The Parable of Parables: What Kind of Soil Are You?

One day, a great crowd gathered, and Jesus began to teach using a method that was common for Him. He told a parable, an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. This parable, in Luke 8:4-9, is a seemingly simple story of the seed, the soil, and the sower.

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Special Features

The Living Word and the Written Word

The living Word—Jesus Christ—used the written Word to fight temptation. Jesus set the pattern for us. He is our example of what our defense should be in times of temptation: the Bible. Let's become people of the Book and take seriously Psalm 119:11, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

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Special Features

God’s Game of Hide-and-Speak

We might think that when God speaks, the next thing we experience is the fulfillment of what He said. Not only should we expect a long wait; sometimes we will experience complete contradictions.

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Special Features

5 Words for Bible Lovers to Know: Preservation

This is the last in a series on 5 words every Bible lover should know. The fifth word is “preservation,” how God has protected His Word from error, from extinction, and from exclusivity. The Bible has stood the test of time, and it will live on, long after we are gone from this life.

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Special Features

Impossibly Easy

A divine perspective has the power to pull us out of the despair of an uncertain crisis. How God will work in our crisis is unclear. But we know He will work. "This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord" (2 Kings 3:18).

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Special Features

Rest in Danger

In Psalm 91:1, when the psalmist tells us to dwell in the shelter of the Most High, the Spirit is directing us to look at the God who is certain rather than the world that is not. He calls us to count on His utter dependability rather than the ominous headlines of impending doom.

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Special Features

5 Words for Bible Lovers to Know: Illumination

This is a series on 5 words every Bible lover should know. The fourth word is “illumination,” the process by which the Holy Spirit helps us to understand and apply Scripture to our lives.

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Special Features

Recovering Hope

The Bible is full of irrepressible hope, huge promises, and against-all-odds victories. And we are told to embrace them with hearts full of anticipation. We are called to be people of unquenchable hope and expectation—to interpret every situation in light of the good things God is doing in it and to expect our lives to overflow with His goodness.

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Special Features

5 Words for Bible Lovers to Know: Canonization

This is a series on 5 words every Bible lover should know. The third word is "canonization," the process by which early church leaders received, recognized, and arranged the individual books into the official Bible.

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