Bible Reading

Special Features

Special Features

New Words, Ancient Truth

Using various texts from Scripture’s original languages, the translator set about to update older versions of the Bible to be more readable. He was brave to do so; traditionalists have a way of making change costly.

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Special Features

The Word that Transforms

It fell fast and kept falling for hours, then days. Our city shut down for a week of winter white. Every morning after breakfast, when my loved ones went off by themselves, I sat in my favorite chair, my Bible open. With the quiet beauty outside, I spent some quiet hours with God, meditating on His Word, feeling His presence, and seeing His snow-covered creation through the window. It was an otherworldly experience.

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Special Features

The Legacy of Faith

He never taught in a classroom, but he was one of the best teachers I’ve ever known. An actuary by profession, he excelled at asking questions, and to my great frustration as a teenager, he directed his questions at me. I would eventually paint myself into a corner of my own contradictions. He wouldn’t say, “Ha! There’s a gap in your logic!” Instead, he would respond, “Think about it because the two things you said can’t go together. God will guide you as you decide which one is true.” That man had a huge influence in my life. He was my dad.

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Special Features


Our family loves baseball. There’s just something about sitting in the stadium with your family, the sun beating down on your head, a hot dog in your hand, watching your team play the game you love. If they win, that’s great but it’s not required. We love it that much.

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