Bible Reading

Stories Of Impact

Stories Of Impact

Chosen in a Honduran Prison

For Walk Thru the Bible, launching a resource in a new country is like skipping a stone across a large pond. We give it as much momentum as we can, we train instructors, we equip as we can, but it's hard to gauge how much distance is covered until the ripples start to extend outward. We never know how God will use these new resources, but we do know that He does.

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Stories Of Impact

Give Hope to Lenasia

God is writing a beautiful story in Lenasia, South Africa. More than 1900 children at the Holiday Bible Club in Lenasia heard the big picture story of the Old Testament through Walk Thru the Bible's otLIVE.

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Stories Of Impact

Stephen’s Story

Be inspired by hearing the transformation of a math teacher from West Africa and the impact he is making in the next generation.

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Stories Of Impact

The Impact of One

In Africa, Asia, and Latin America, more than 80 percent of pastors have never received any formal training in leadership or theology. A severe shortage of training opportunities, coupled with the exponential growth of Christianity in the Global South, has created an urgent and growing need.

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Stories Of Impact


In their first years of leading a church, Kathy was trying to think of ways to engage young people with the Bible when God brought Walk Thru the Bible to mind. “I attended a Walk Thru the Bible live event in my 20s and fell in love with the whole idea of learning the Bible in chronological order and getting your body involved,” she says.

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Stories Of Impact

Laying a New Foundation

For the first time, Walk Thru the Bible instructors had traveled to the region to train and equip indigenous leaders. Some leaders made a journey of at least three or four days by boat to attend the training conference, according to Alejandro Colombo, Walk Thru the Bible’s regional director for South America. “One couple traveled 15 days from the Brazilian border to be here!” he marvels.

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Stories Of Impact

New Growth in Vietnam

After years of starts and stops, Walk Thru the Bible’s ministry in Vietnam is picking up speed again. “We’re reigniting relationships,” says Mark Schaaf, Walk Thru the Bible’s international training director. By reactivating old networks and seeking new opportunities, Mark will help lead an “intentional expansion across Southeast Asia.”

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Stories Of Impact

Awakening a Giant

“Walk Thru the Bible is committed to impacting the Roma community in Romania and throughout Europe by offering the most practical training tools available,” says Beni Lup, Walk Thru's Eastern Europe regional director. “We’ve trained thousands of leaders in courses on marriage, parenting, spiritual growth, and leadership.”

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Stories Of Impact

Impact Through Partnership

Recently, Walk Thru the Bible hosted two training conferences at Compassion International’s child development centers in Tsevie and Lomé. Samuel Eklou, Walk Thru the Bible’s country director for Togo, reports that 86 people representing more than 20 churches received training to teach otLIVE. Every participant ministers to children in his or her local church and community, and some are Compassion International employees.

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