Daily Walk , Special Features

Daily Devotions – Complete Collection

Daily Devotions – Complete Collection

Enhance your daily quiet time with one of Walk Thru the Bible’s devotionals. With Daily Walk, you can journey through the entire Bible in a year. Indeed explores themes in Scripture that will help you apply God’s Word to your life. Closer Walk will take you through the entire New Testament in a year and features classic, timeless writings from theologians throughout the years.

Whichever you choose, let our devotionals help guide you through your study of Scripture. You’ll feel like a friend is walking alongside you as you dig deeper into the truth of God’s Word.



IMPORTANT: These products are only viewable using the Walk Thru the Bible App. Once you purchase, please open the Walk Thru the Bible app and follow the screenshots.

Additional Articles

Daily Walk

The Bible Brings Joy

There is nothing mundane about opening the Bible and hearing the voice of God. It should elicit such an excitement and joy and sense of celebration within us that makes a sporting event seem boring and trivial in comparison. Why? Because the Bible brings joy.

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Daily Walk

A Loving, Singing God

Did you know that God is a singer? Why would that be a surprise? He created us to sing; one would expect that He has some experience at it Himself. Yes, the Lord of all creation sings. That defies our image of the frozen-faced, always-disappointed God of high expectations.

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Daily Walk

Demonstrated Love

God demonstrated His own love for us in a rather remarkable way: He sent His beloved Son into the world to die for people who had long rebelled against and insulted Him. You don’t normally see that kind of love in this world. In fact, it’s supernatural.

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