Daily Walk , Special Features

Daily Walk Devotions 2024 are Here!

Read through God’s Word in 2024!

What you may have previously known as the DailyWalk Devotional Magazines are now back and better than ever as “Daily Walk Devotions 2024“!


These Daily Devotionals are available for purchase & viewed exclusively on our APP! Our App is FREE & available on Apple or Google Play, for easy installation on your phone or tablet.

The Daily Walk Devotions are designed to guide you through your daily reading of the Scripture, taking you from Genesis to Revelation in the span of a year Do you struggle to read the Bible? Do you feel like it’s too complex because of all those long names, places, or events, or like it doesn’t apply to your life today? Do you want to read the entire Bible in one year? Do you feel like you don’t have time to do that? When reading the Bible, it’s easy to get lost in the wilderness, feel like you don’t have time, and more. That’s why we want to give you a guide so that you can read and engage with Scripture. The Daily Walk Devotions are designed to guide you through your daily reading of the Scripture, taking you from Genesis to Revelation in the span of a year. With application and insight for each daily reading, this is the Bible reading plan that will get you through Leviticus! The Daily Walk Devotions offer a simple daily reading plan and tools to help you complete the journey of reading through the Bible in one year. Every feature of the Daily Walk Devotions is designed to help you get the most out of your time with the Lord. It’s a tool you will find many ways to use—and a tool that God can use in many ways in your life. In addition to the Scripture reading, each segment, or walk, contains three components:

  • OVERVIEW provides a bird’s-eye view of your Bible reading walk for the day. A chart also maps out the main ideas of the Scripture section.
  • MY DAILY WALK is a wayside refreshment area that encourages you to think carefully about one scriptural insight from the day’s reading. Here you’ll find specific ways to put the truths into action in your own life. Principles from God’s Word are explained practically to help you successfully cope with life today.
  • INSIGHTS offer interesting facts along the way about the day’s passage to help build your Bible knowledge.

There are devotions and a Bible reading for each day of the week, with days 6/7 combined for a catch-up day or for a Sabbath rest day. Using these devotions along with the reading plan, you’ll read the entire Bible in 2024. IMPORTANT: This product is only viewable using the Walk Thru the Bible App. Learn more.

Learn more & purchase by visiting: https://www.walkthru.org/product/daily-walk-devotions-2024/

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