Daily Walk

Demonstrated Love

God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

IN WORD   God demonstrated His own love for us in a rather remarkable way: He sent His beloved Son into the world to die for people who had long rebelled against and insulted Him. You don’t normally see that kind of love in this world. In fact, it’s supernatural.

Paul has already told us in verse 5 that God has poured out His love into our hearts. Now he tells us what kind of love. This is it—sacrificial, unexpected, out-of-this-world love. God has loved us in this way and then given us the Spirit who loves in this way. What we have freely received, we can freely give. We can be the visible evidence of an invisible Kingdom.

In fact, that’s our calling. We are evidence. That’s what a “witness” is, isn’t it? We talk about witnessing to others as though it’s a conversation, and that is certainly part of our task. But we are the kind of witness that does more than tell the evidence. We are the evidence. When people look at us, they are to see faith, hope, love, joy, and all the other beautiful signs of a beautiful Kingdom. They are to see the things their hearts deeply long for.

IN DEED   How do you do that? Go back and read the full passage again. Romans 5:1-11 gives us the keys of the Kingdom: a sacrificial Savior, a faith in His promises, a love from above, a hope in the present and future glory, and a joyful purpose to fulfill. All the temporal things people crave are some shadow of the real thing. If we show them the real thing, we are signposts to eternity.

The only way to get those things—faith, hope, love, and all other spiritual fruit—is to drink deeply from the fountain of life. The fruit of a tree is always drawn from its roots. Grow your roots in eternity, and your life will always point to it.

“Unless a life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile.” – Mother Teresa

READ: Romans 5:1-11

© 2025, Walk Thru the Bible

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