Step Into The Story Podcast

Dr. Jeff Myers on Cultivating Christian Curiosity

When Jeff Myers was 17, he decided that after high school, he was going to leave the church for good. In his experience, Christians weren’t engaged with the world around them, choosing instead to bury their heads in the sand and ignore anything going on outside of their sheltered bubbles. So when his parents sent him to Colorado for two weeks to spend time at Summit Ministries, Jeff was not about to pull any punches. He walked up to Summit founder David Noebel and said, “I hope you have a lot of answers, because I have a lot of questions.”

Instead of being angry or offended, Noebel simply replied, “At Summit, we aren’t afraid of questions.” Jeff immediately knew he had found his tribe.

Today, Dr. Jeff Myers serves as the president of Summit Ministries, an organization that exists to equip and support rising generations to embrace God’s truth and champion a biblical worldview. They do this by encouraging their students to be curious. Jeff believes curiosity is a greatly overlooked element of the Christian experience. After all, in the Gospels record Jesus asking 288 different questions. Jeff explains, “We talk about the teachings of Jesus all the time, but we rarely talk about the questions of Jesus. Jesus used questions, curiosity, and inquiry to invite conversations, to invite people to walk alongside Him.”

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, we talk with Jeff about cultivating Christian curiosity and finding the answers to life’s toughest questions within God’s Word.


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