Ministry News

Merry Christmas from all of us at Walk Thru the Bible!

Merry Christmas from all of us at Walk Thru the Bible!

We’re so grateful for all your prayers, encouragement, and partnership this year. God is writing beautiful stories all around the world through your gifts and Walk Thru the Bible. Here’s just a sample of what God is doing:

  • 1900 children in an extremely impoverished area of Johannesburg who heard about God and His grand story—maybe for the very first time—through Walk Thru the Bible’s teaching;
  • 500 first- and second-generation believers from the jungles of Venezuela and Colombia with only the New Testament in their language were taught otLIVE this past summer;
  • a persecuted believer in a closed country who found hope, inspiration, and renewed faith in God because of our WTB resource Crucible;
  • and so many, many more stories… because the Bible changes everything.

So thank you! Thank you for your partnership. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your encouragement.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Serving together with you,
Phil Signature
Phil Tuttle

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We Need YOUR Help! Take Our Survey TODAY!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please participate in our Bible Engagement Survey 2024 and receive otPANORAMIC for free!

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