President's Updates

Nicaragua Update 1 (2020-02-12)

This was my view as our plane descended into the city of Managua yesterday. The image captures my thoughts and feelings perfectly. Lake Nicaragua is huge and appears totally at peace. Yet the volcanoes that emerge from the water remind us there is immense power underneath the surface. At any moment that power could erupt and change everything.

God’s Word is a lot like that. For many of us, the Bible is so accessible that we take it for granted. We grow comfortable having it near us but grow numb to its unlimited power.

I’m here in Nicaragua to teach our new resource on the life of Simon Peter to 250 pastors and their spouses. This course is called Chiseled (Cincelado in Spanish) and focuses on the process God used to transform Peter from an ordinary fisherman into a strong, loving leader. In much the same way, God chisels us to craft us into the masterpieces He created us to be.

I’ve been to this conference four times before, but there’s something extra special this time. Maybe it’s because this is my first ministry trip since my hip replacement in late December. Like those volcanoes, I’m full of pent-up energy and about to explode if I don’t share God’s Word soon.

Or maybe it’s because I’ve been here before and there’s already a bond between these pastors and me. No need to start slow and build trust. They’re hungry to learn and their passion is contagious.

When they worship it’s from the heart! And even though my Spanish vocabulary is tiny, their singing pulls me in and their joy overwhelms me.

We’re off to a fantastic start having studied the first two sessions today. That means we have a full day tomorrow with two sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon.

Will you pray for energy and endurance as I teach? Even though my translator, Rocio, is a gifted and trusted friend, it’s hard work to communicate through another language to another culture.

I have a strong sense that God has something very special planned for us tomorrow. It won’t be destructive like when a volcano erupts, but it will be every bit as powerful when God’s Spirit illumines God’s Word for God’s pastors. So please pray, and tomorrow I’ll let you know how our loving Father answers.

Phil Tuttle is president of Walk Thru the Bible.

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President's Updates

Kenya Update 2 (2020-02-26)

Here is Rich's Kenya Update #2. He is training our East/West Africa country directors in our newest course, Chiseled. These leaders will take the teaching back to their countries and begin training pastors, who will then teach Chiseled to the people in their churches. This is one way Walk Thru the Bible serves the body of Christ: by equipping and training under-resourced pastors.

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Michael Imani
President's Updates

Kenya Update 1 (2020-02-24)

Rich Leland, our VP for International, is in Kenya to train our East/West Africa country directors to teach Chiseled to the pastors and leaders in their networks. Many of these pastors are under-resourced. These types of trainings equip them to teach and lead their congregations.

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