O Holy Night: A FREE Christmas Devotion
Join us this Advent season for O Holy Night, a FREE resource from Walk Thru the Bible!
The Messiah had been prophesied for centuries. But on the surface, the prophecies were patchwork, a confusing array of diverse predictions. Prophetic “calculators” —the Scripture experts— couldn’t quite add them up. The best they could do was watch and wait.
But at the appointed time, Jesus came, born of a virgin. Son of Man and Son of God. Born in Bethlehem (a lowly place), sojourning in Egypt (a sinful place), and settling in Nazareth (a despised place). A suffering Servant, a King in humble disguise. A Branch (Isaiah 11:1) and a Root (Isaiah 11:10). Worshiped by kings and despised by men. Dying, yet eternal.
Any way you look at it, our Messiah was a walking, talking bundle of paradoxes. The impossible became real, not just in prophecy, but in every aspect of Jesus’ ministry. When Jesus stepped into this fallen world, “impossible” lost all relevance.
Learn more and get your FREE Christmas Devotion HERE!
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O Holy Night: A FREE Christmas Devotion
Join us this Advent season for O Holy Night, a FREE resource from Walk Thru the Bible!
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