On Giving Tuesday: Give the Hope of God’s Word to Kids Around the World
“Many kids have no hope, no purpose, no plan for a future—they’ve been told that we’re destroying the planet, racking up debts they can never pay, killing all the jobs so they can never get one, building unaffordable houses they won’t be able to buy,” said Paul Keeys, Walk Thru the Bible’s Regional Director for UK and Western Europe.
“Especially here in UK, they’re taught that they’re the product of a big bang, that they will die and there’s no point to their existence. They’re never taught the Bible, and they don’t know they have a heavenly Father who loves them,” he said.
The need for children around the world to hear, know, and experience God’s Word is great. As part of a God-given vision, Walk Thru the Bible has launched a global kids’ ministry to teach them the big picture of God’s Word and how they can find their true story in God’s grand story, the Bible. We will reach at least 760,000 kids around the world in the next year with the hope, the gift, of God’s Word.
God has opened many doors of opportunity for us to reach children in many nations—through public schools, community outreach, even TV—as well as through the use of technology to reach children we’ve never been able to reach before. Many of these children live in areas of intense persecution or extreme poverty; their families may be of different faiths or no faith.
We want to give this generation of children the hope of the Word of God and a purpose for the future He has for them. Will you partner with Walk Thru the Bible to help us give the gift of God’s Word to children around the world?
Walk Thru the Bible’s live events and biblical resources are tools that work well with children. We have a proven, effective model of our biblical live-event teaching to kids in UK—our office there ministers almost exclusively to children in public schools. Our Walk Thru the Bible UK instructors teach the big picture story of Scripture to 30,000 public school children each year.
We’ve taught our live events to children in other countries, too. Says Pastor Sammy in Huruma, Kenya, “The Walk Thru the Bible live event helped the children open their eyes, to reflect on their own lives. I have a number of them here who have given their lives to Christ. Walk Thru the Bible has helped them to embrace the love of God.”
Duncan, a student in Kenya, said, “I didn’t ever think the Bible was connected. When I began to understand the deeper meaning of what a certain Bible story tried to tell me, it makes me understand the depths of how mysterious, how wonderful God is. It just makes me know that I’m part of something bigger. We serve a living God, and you have to understand that He has plans for you.”
Because of our success with reaching children in UK and other countries, we have launched the Walk Thru the Bible global kids’ ministry in East/West Africa and Southeast Asia/Pacific. These children will be taught through public schools, Sunday schools, community outreach efforts, and more. They will be taught by trained Walk Thru the Bible kids’ instructors, and in their own culture, context, and language.
With the global launch of our Walk Thru the Bible kids’ ministry, we can reach 760,000 children this year alone. It takes just 40 cents to reach one child with the big picture story of God’s Word. Will you consider a gift of $40 (reaches 100 kids), $80 (200 kids), or an amount of your choosing to bring the hope, the gift of God’s Word to children in places like Kenya, Togo, Nigeria, and Manila this year?
Together, we can plant seeds in the lives of children around the world who have never heard the Word of God. Together, we can reach this generation with the hope of Scripture. Together, we can impact God’s Kingdom for eternity.
You can give the gift of God’s Word to children … today.
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