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Walk Thru Voices

If You Treat Each Other Justly

What matters to God? Is it our rituals, rulebooks, and religious language? On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael Gunnin takes us through Jeremiah 7 to see what God prioritizes—that we treat the fatherless, the widow, the refugee, and each other with compassion and love.

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Special Features

Why Wait?

God gives, but He doesn't always lay His gifts in your lap. You often have to get up and take possession of what has already been offered. When asking Him, "How long?", listen for the same question from Him. If you hear it, go forward and receive His promise by faith.

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Walk Thru Voices

God Is Doing a New Thing

Have you ever been in a situation where no positive outcome seemed possible? On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil Tuttle takes us through Isaiah 43 to see that in our darkest hour, we can trust that God is doing a new thing.

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Special Features

The Daily Bread Principle

Just as our loved ones are not content with one “I love you” for the year, God is not content with a periodic appearance before Him. Manna doesn’t work that way, and neither do relationships. Ask for daily bread in every area of life. And come back again tomorrow.

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Walk Thru Voices

Judgment and Restoration

On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael Gunnin takes us through the book of Isaiah to understand why God enacted His judgement on Israel—and why He still disciplines His children today.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

MINI-CAST: Dr. Joe Rigney

On this mini-episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, we ask author and Bethlehem College & Seminary President Dr. Joe Rigney about how his time coaching his sons in baseball has impacted his understanding of God.

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Special Features

Kingdom Birth

We must function as citizens of another realm even while we are living in this one. We can't do that by changing ourselves. We have to born again with a new nature.

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Walk Thru Voices


Ecclesiastes has a bad a reputation as a book of despair. In reality, it's a book of discovery. In this episode of WAlK THRU VOICES, Phil Tuttle takes us through Ecclesiastes to find not what is meaningless, but meaningful.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Dr. Joe Rigney on Great Books and the Greatest Book

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, we talk with Dr. Joe Rigney, President and Associate Professor at Bethlehem College and Seminary. He tells us how he is working to help people understand the great books in light of the Greatest Book for the sake of the Great Commission!

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