Bible Reading

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Special Features

The Kingdom Constitution

We could spend eons probing the depths of the gospel. But we need to make sure the core truth of the gospel remains the core truth for us. We need to build our lives on what really matters in the only Kingdom that will last.

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Special Features

Reconnecting What Is Broken

If you are feeling broken right now, remember that Jesus came not only to save us, but also to heal us. Talk to Him about your broken places.

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Walk Thru Voices

Proverbs 1

If you're struggling to make an important decision in your life, Proverbs is the book of the Bible for you. On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil Tuttle takes us through Proverbs 1 and asks us an important question: Are we going to trust in our own understanding, or are we going to trust in God's wisdom?

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Special Features

Are You Stuck in Your Bible Reading?

"Is that Bible reading app taunting you with notifications of days missed? Is that printed reading schedule catching your eye to remind you how long it’s been? Regardless of why we are stuck or how long it’s been, we can get unstuck. Here are some simple strategies to help us get back into reading God’s Word." -Michael Gunnin

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Walk Thru Voices

Psalm 120

On this episode, Michael Gunnin takes us through the first of the Psalms of Ascent. In Psalm 120, we see that in a divisive world, God has called us to be a people of peace.

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Special Features

5 Tips for Reading the Psalms

Here are some simple, practical pieces of advice that will help you navigate the book of Psalms and discover the beautiful truths God has waiting for you.

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Walk Thru Voices

Psalm 73

It's a question as old as humanity itself—why do the evil prosper while the good suffer? On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil Tuttle takes us through Psalm 73 to show that even when we don't have all the answer, we can find refuge in the Sanctuary of God.

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Special Features

In a Scary World, God Is Enough

The world is beautiful and it is terrifying. Tragedy occurs. Relationships end. Sin corrupts. We fear, we falter, we fail. We get lost in the storm. But we keep sailing. Jesus is always guiding the ship. He is enough—more than enough.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

MINI-CAST: Leigh McLeroy

On this mini-episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, we ask author Leigh McLeroy the age old question—which three authors, living or dead, would she most want to invite over for dinner?

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