Bible Reading

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The Name That Matters Most

Jesus’ name is precious. It is of infinite value. In fact, this common name became “the name that is above every name” (Phil. 2:9), and it is to be treated with great reverence.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Share Your Story with the Next Generation

On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil takes us to the book of Judges to see how the Israelites fell away from God because they forgot the testimony of their forefathers—and how we can avoid making that same mistake in our families today.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Mac Powell on Faithfully and Creatively Serving God

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, we talk with Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Mac Powell about the origins of Third Day, his new solo album, and his constant desire to use his creative gifts in service of something greater than himself.

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Special Features

When Hope and History Rhyme

"History ends with the resurrection. Resurrection is complete restoration, but only after death and destruction. This avoids the unbalanced optimism of modernity but also the hopelessness of dystopianism. On the final day of history, we know that our Redeemer will stand upon the earth, and that in our new resurrected bodies we will see God." -Tim Keller

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Walk Thru Voices

How to Meditate on Scripture

In Joshua 1:8, God tells Joshua to meditate on Scripture day and night. You might be wondering, “How do I actually do that?” In this week’s episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael gives us 5 tips for meditating on God’s Word.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

MINI-CAST: Chris Tiegreen

On this mini-episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, we ask prolific author Chris Tiegreen a question everyone wants to ask their favorite writers: what books do you like to read?

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Year of the Bible: Joshua through 2 Samuel

At Walk Thru the Bible, it’s the Year of the Bible 2022! Walk through the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, and 2 Samuel during March with us!

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Chris Tiegreen on Following the Unexpected Path

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, we talk with Chris Tiegreen, author of over 60 books, Bible studies, and devotionals. He shares how he became a writer despite his best efforts and how God has used many of Chris's most difficult moments to inspire his writing.

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Bible Study Simplified
Ministry News

Bible Study Simplified

Have you ever wondered how to study the Bible on your own, or even where to start? BIBLE STUDY SIMPLIFIED is our new, free, streaming video series that will show you how to dig into Scripture on your own with a simple, repeatable process.

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