Bible Reading

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Special Features

Unlikely Vessels

We are outwardly mortal in a Kingdom that the mortal cannot inherit. But inwardly, we are heirs forever, inextinguishable by mere death.

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Walk Thru Voices

Simeon and the Holy Spirit

On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil Tuttle shares how the Holy Spirit gave Simeon discernment to see that the child Jesus was indeed the God's promised Messiah.

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Special Features

Opening Treasures

Lay your treasure at His feet and tell Him it’s His. True love always involves deep sacrifice. It certainly did for Him. It does for us as well.

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Special Features

The Mystery of Christmas

A long time ago, infinite deity and fragile flesh met, and it rocked our world. It still does, and that’s okay. Let it. That’s what Christmas should be all about.

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Walk Thru Voices

Elizabeth, John, Zechariah, and the Holy Spirit

On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil talks about how the Holy Spirit moved in the lives of Elizabeth, John the Baptist, and Zechariah to make way for the coming of Jesus.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

MINI-CAST: Carolyn Weber

On this mini-episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, Phil asks author Carolyn the question every parent faces—how do you find time to work with small kids around?

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Special Features

God’s Timing

In His plan, a nation was cultivated, a law was given, human nature was exposed, prophets spoke, and creation waited. Then the Savior came.

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Walk Thru Voices

Mary and the Holy Spirit

On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil Tuttle shares how Mary was empowered by the Holy Spirit not only to conceive Jesus, but also to complete the immense task God asked of her.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Carolyn Weber on Being Surprised by Jesus

On today's episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, listen to author and professor Carolyn Weber discuss her book Surprised by Oxford, soon to be a feature film! She shares how Jesus found her in the most unlikely of places and transformed her life forever.

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