Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

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Special Features

Contagious Joy

Simply put: God wants his children to be joy-filled. Just like a father wants his baby to laugh with glee, God longs for us to experience a deep-seated, deeply rooted joy.

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Gospels Challenge
Special Features

Walk Through the Gospels with Us!

This month, read through the Gospels with us! We'll be studying through the life of Jesus, His works and His stories, His miracles and His deeds, His death and resurrection. Find FREE resources and tools to help you on this journey!

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Special Features

The Revolutionary Christian Heart

The biblical understanding of the heart is culturally revolutionary.

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Walk Thru Voices

The Purpose of the Parables

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Sandra McCracken on Finding a Foundation of Scripture

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, singer-songwriter discusses how a foundation in scripture from an early age has led her through the most difficult moments in her life and shaped the music she's made along the way.

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Prayers, Peace, Thanksgiving
Special Features

Finding Peace Through Prayers of Thanksgiving

Do you sometimes long for a greater sense of God’s nearness? When pressures intensify, when nighttime worries magnify in strength, when the days are simply piling up one after another, or when life simply feels dull and routine, do you crave the assurance of His presence? Scripture says that God inhabits the praises of His people.

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Walk Thru Voices

Why Do We Have 4 Gospels?

On today's episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil looks at what makes each of the 4 Gospels unique and necessary for our understanding of the life of Jesus.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

MINI-CAST: Andrew Peterson

On this mini-episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, we ask author Andrew Peterson a very important question: If you could be any character from the Wingfeather Saga, who would you be?

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Andrew Peterson on the Freedom to Create

Andrew Peterson discusses the songwriting process, what it actually means to be “called to ministry,” and finding the freedom to serve God with the gifts He’s given us.

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