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Step Into The Story Podcast

Crawford Loritts: Trailblazer and Bridge Builder

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, Crawford Loritts talks life in ministry, Christians' difficult relationship to power, and his hope for the church—to set aside any ambition other than sharing the truth of our glorious God.

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Special Features

Watching Our Words on Social Media

God holds us accountable for every word we say, including the careless ones we share over the internet. Jesus said, “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken” (Matthew 12:36).

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Dr. John Isch on Surrendering the Glory

On this episode of Step Into the Story, Dr. John Isch talks about surrendering our egos, giving God the glory, and obeying in all things.

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Special Features

Majestic Wisdom

Think about that. Our God is the Creator both of macro-majesties and micro-marvels. The Bible tells us that God spoke, and that matter was formed and distributed by His word. It’s more than we can ever take in.

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Walk Thru Voices

Psalms of Ascent

In this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael Gunnin takes us through Psalms 120-134, the Psalms of Ascent. The Psalms of Ascent are songs the Hebrews would sing as they journeyed to Jerusalem for the yearly festivals to worship God.

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Walk Thru Voices

Why We Bless the Lord

On today’s episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil takes us through Psalm 105. In hearing these words of David, you’ll be reminded of the innumerable reasons for us to say, “Bless the Lord, o my soul!”

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Ellen Vaughn on Elisabeth Elliot

Phil talks with author Ellen Vaughn about her book, Becoming Elisabeth Elliot. Ellen talks about Elisabeth's life and journey, radical faith, and finding joy in the hardest parts of our journey. Ellen's book is the only authorized biography of Elisabeth Elliot's life. You won't want to miss this episode!

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Special Features

Those Who Hunger and Thirst

Do you hunger and thirst? Do not make the mistake of trying to satisfy your cravings with worthless things. Only God can effectively occupy your heart.

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Special Features

Learn to Pray the Psalms

By using the Psalms as our guide and language in prayer we can orient our minds, hearts, and words to a deeper experience with God.

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