Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

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Walk Thru Voices

Psalm 1

Walk through the Book of Psalms with us this month! In this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil takes us through Psalm 1.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Ellie Holcomb: Love Flows in the Canyon

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY Podcast, listen as Phil talks with Ellie Holcomb about the wounds that leave us divided, our heavenly Father’s love that brings us back together, and her new album, Canyon.

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Special Features

To Know the Heart of the Pilot

You need to know the heart of the pilot. That is why the story of Jesus is in the Bible. He is the only picture of God ever taken. To know Jesus, is to know God. To know God is to know: this flight gets bumpy, but the Pilot? He knows how to get us home.

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Walk Thru Voices

Taking Steps of Faith

In today’s episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael Gunnin encourages us to embrace the risks God is asking us to take. After all, there is no safer place than in the hands of our Almighty God.

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Special Features

Eternity Set in Our Hearts

We long for a future world of justice, purity and joy—and a King who will bring all of those. We therefore cannot be happy with the present world of injustice, impurity and suffering.

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Walk Thru Voices

Tell the Next Generation

As Walk Thru the Bible is preparing to reach more children than ever before with God’s Word, Phil Tuttle talks about just how important it is for every parent and grandparent to share the Bible and their own experiences with God so that, as Psalm 78:4 says, “we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Trevin Wax on the Next Generation of Believers

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY Podcast, Phil talks with author Trevin Wax. Trevin is a general editor of The Gospel Project, theology advisor at LifeWay Christian Resources, visiting professor at Wheaton College, and a contributing writer for The Gospel Coalition.

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Special Features

When Storms Come, Hold on to Hope by Max Lucado

God is a God of promises. From the first chapter of the Bible, Scripture makes a case for the dependability of God. Nine times the text reiterates “God said.” And without exception when God spoke, something happened.

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Systematically Reading the Grand Story

Yes, we need the Psalms and the Epistles. But we also need the Books of the Law, the Historical Books, the Prophets, and the Gospels. We need the whole of God’s Word.

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