Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

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Special Features

Joy Comes Because Jesus Comes by Max Lucado

Maybe it was the way he said her name. The inflection. The tone. The Galilean accent. Maybe it was the memory associated with it, the moment she first heard someone say her name without demons screaming it in her mind.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Stanton Lanier on the Music of Scripture

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY podcast, listen as award-winning composer Stanton Lanier talks with Phil Tuttle about music, Scripture, and how God’s plans are so much bigger and better than our plans.

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Walk Thru Voices


How many times have you felt the day slip away and, realizing it, you let out an exasperated, “I just don’t have enough time!” Time is a gift from God and our most precious commodity.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Theology Meets Business with Steve Graves

Steve Graves has a job that’s a little hard to define. Put simply, he’s a consultant and advisor for CEO’s, businesses owners, and entrepreneurs. But in reality, that description doesn’t begin to cover all the aspects of this career he’s created for himself.

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Special Features

The Cross: How Could It Be?

As the writer asks in “O Sacred Head,” how can I possibly express my deep gratitude? I don’t have the words. Humbled, I just murmur “thank you” over and over. I know I can never thank Him enough, never love Him enough, but I want to die trying.

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Ministry News

A 6-month, Year 2 Report on Our Vision to Double Ministry Impact in 3 Years

In July 2019, we launched a God-given, 3-year vision to double our global ministry impact. Here is our 6-month progress report for Year 2.

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Special Features

Refuge: Finding Home in a World of Change

In Refuge, the newest 6-part Bible study in our Biblical Character Series, we will see how God used a grieving widow, a faithful foreigner, and a man of standing to show us that ultimately, we find our refuge, our true Home, in Him.

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Stories Of Impact

Empowering Hope for At-Risk Girls in Kenya

Walk Thru the Bible, in partnership with Empower Hope, is helping at-risk girls in Huruma, Kenya, to know that God loves them, to understand the Bible, and to become hopeful for their future.

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Special Features

The Life of Trust

God tells us throughout Scripture (50 times in Psalms alone!) to trust Him. Because God is trustworthy, we can live a life of trust in Him.

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