Bible Reading

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Walk Thru Voices

Waiting on God

Are you waiting for God's answers to your prayers? In this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Jesse DeYoung walks us through Romans 4, where Paul writes about Abraham's faith. God credited Abraham's faith to him as righteousness. And we must always remember that God is a good Father who is always for us.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Jennifer Rothschild on Trusting God’s Word

When told she was going blind at 15, best-selling author and speaker Jennifer Rothschild never imagined the impactful life God had for her.

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Special Features

Love Comes First

"So how do we love God? The theology, the works, and the feelings will come. They are good—but only after the devotion. Love always comes first."

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Walk Thru Voices

Why Leaders Need Accountability

How do we make sense of leaders, especially in the Christian community, abusing their power and hurting others so deeply?

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Special Features

Why This May Be the Most Offensive Verse in the Bible by Trevin Wax

"I’m convinced that there’s one Bible verse that, when rightly understood, proves most offensive to people whose sensibilities have been shaped by Western notions of inclusivity and freedom."

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Walk Thru Voices


You’re dedicated to reading through the entire Bible this year. You’re going strong through Genesis and Exodus, moved by the stories of God’s power and faithfulness. And then…you hit Leviticus.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Todd and Susan Peterson on Finding their Calling after the NFL

In this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY Podcast, Todd and Susan Peterson talk about life after the NFL and their goal of ending Bible poverty.

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Special Features

It’s Not Too Late by Max Lucado

My thoughts tend to stray. I may be on a highway, but mentally, I’m in a distant land. Consequently, I miss exits, forget to turn, or stray off course. The children of Israel made the same mistake.

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Special Features

No Ordinary Love

Jesus loved us and gave Himself as an offering. He considered His momentary human feelings of no account; a higher consideration than self took Him to the cross.

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