Bible Reading

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Special Features

Snacking on God’s Word: Rediscovering the Whole Bible (part 3)

We want simple answers to our questions, but the Bible is a grand drama that unfolds in stories over thousands of years. And so, we’ve changed the way we read the Bible. And in some ways, we’ve even changed the Bible that we read.

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Walk Thru Voices


How do you remind yourself of the places God has brought you through? On this episode of Walk Thru Voices, Michael Gunnin talks about the importance of remembering the faithfulness of God.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Bill Newman: Chaplain of the Appalachian Trail

On this episode of Step Into the Story Podcast, you'll hear the strange, inspiring, miraculous story of how God placed His call on Bill Newman, Chaplain of the Appalachian Trail.

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Stories Of Impact

A Story of Hope: Forever Changed

She first encountered Jesus as a university student in a culture hostile to Christianity. After becoming a Christian, she was forever changed. After attending a Walk Thru the Old Testament live event, she is better able to share the gospel with her family members.

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Special Features

Hazards and Distractions: What Keeps Us from the Word of God?

Bible reading can be difficult, with all sorts of hazards and distractions to keep us from it (like schedules, jobs, family stuff, lack of understanding, and more, plus an Enemy who doesn't want us to read it). Even so, when we spend time with the Lord in Bible study, we will grow closer to Him.

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Special Features

Snacking on God’s Word: The Self-Serving Approach (part 2)

Here’s a question worth asking: Rather than feasting on the rich, sumptuous, and challenging fare of God’s Word, are we snacking on bite-sized bits of Bible truth?

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Special Features

The Bible in 50 Words

We love the Bible! Here's a fun little bit of poetry about the Bible called "The Bible in 50 Words." Enjoy!

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Special Features

Snacking on God’s Word: The Danger of Partial Reading (part 1)

Are we surviving on little snack-sized nuggets of Bible truth, or are we feasting on the rich, sumptuous, and, at times, challenging fare of God’s Word given for us? Do we want to grow and thrive in our Christian walk, or are we too easily satisfied?

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Walk Thru Voices

Obedience in the Wilderness

What if God is calling you to something new in 2021? In this episode of Walk Thru Voices, Jesse DeYoung of Flatirons Community Church teaches us from the book of Numbers about the importance of obedience when God asks us to do something new or different that might stretch us.

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