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Step Into The Story Podcast

Jeanne Hendricks on a Life of Service

In this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY Podcast, Phil talks with Jeanne Hendricks about the joys, struggles, and ultimate rewards of a life dedicated to serving Christ. Her inquisitive, direct nature would serve her well as she worked alongside her husband, Dr. Howard Hendricks, for over 65 years of ministry.

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Walk Thru Voices

Start the New Year with Scripture

In this WALK THRU VOICES special series, Michael Gunnin gives us 4 tips and best practices to help us dive deep into Scripture in 2021.

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Special Features

There’s a Reason: Looking Forward

“There’s a reason a car’s windshield is way bigger than its rearview mirror.” That’s how my Dad used to make the point that we ought to spend much more time looking forward than backward.

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Walk Thru Voices

Nativity: The Savior

In our final episode of NATIVITY titled "The Savior," Phil talks about the reason for the whole Christmas celebration--Jesus Christ.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Dr. Craig Gourley on Growing from a Place of Brokenness

In this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY podcast, Phil talks with Dr. Craig Gourley about learning from God in the midst of brokenness. Before 2012, Dr. Gourley’s life was going better than he ever could’ve hoped. He was the senior doctor in his OBGYN group. He was listed as a top doctor in magazines and even nominated for Physician Communicator of the Year in a system that included two thousand doctors.

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Special Features

The Ache of Advent

Have you felt it? That sigh, that dream of Christmas that never quite comes true. If only I rush around enough, if only I get that shiny thing I want, if only my family would get along, then Christmas would be perfect this year. And this ache deep inside would go away.

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Walk Thru Voices

Nativity: The Servant

Two thousand years ago, a young girl found her world completely changed overnight. In the third part of our NATIVITY series, Phil discusses how we can learn incredible humility and self-sacrifice from the character of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

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Special Features

The Prophetic Enigma: The Fulfillment of the Ages

The Messiah had been prophesied for centuries. On the surface, the prophecies were patchwork. Prophetic “calculators”—the Scripture experts—couldn’t quite add them up.But at the appointed time, Jesus was born of a virgin. Son of Man and Son of God.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Boris Volkov: On facing the Valley of the Shadow of Death

In this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY podcast, WTB Regional Director Boris Volkov talks with Phil about his devastating COVID-19 diagnosis, fighting for his life, and how God was his refuge.

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