Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Kitti Murray: Helping Others Find Refuge in God

In this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY Podcast, Refuge Coffee Co. owner Kitti Murray talks with Phil about helping others find refuge in God.

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WTV Michael Boldness 11-4-2020
Walk Thru Voices

Boldness to Share the Hope of Jesus

In this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael shares the Apostle Paul's prayer for boldness in sharing the gospel, how the world needs to hear the hope of Jesus, and how we as believers must be bold to share it.

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Step Into The Story Podcast Logo
Step Into The Story Podcast

STEP INTO THE STORY Podcast launch today!

STEP INTO THE STORY PODCAST launches today! Listen as Phil interviews guests with powerful God stories, of how He intersected their lives with His Story, and how everything changed. You can subscribe here too!

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Walk Thru Voices

Having a Right View of God

In this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil talks about having a right view of God and how it changes your approach to Him in prayer. "It's in the big story of Scripture that God's heart is clearly revealed to us. As we get to know Him in His Story, it will change the way we approach Him in prayer."

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Frank Tanana: Finding My Story in God’s Story

In our first episode of STEP INTO THE STORY Podcast, Phil interviews baseball-great Frank Tanana about his 20-year MLB career as a pitcher; how he met his wife, Cathy; and how he found his true story in God's Story when Jesus intersected his life. Step into the story with us!

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Stories Of Impact

Bringing the Light of God’s Word to the People

Pastor Matthews Vilakazi is bringing the hope and light of God's Word to people in Johannesburg's East Rand. In this time of COVID19 lockdowns, he is teaching our Walk Thru the Bible courses Detour and Crucible over a messaging app.

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Stories Of Impact

otLIVE in a village outside Nhkotakota, Malawi

Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa held an otLIVE event in a village outside of Nhkotakota, Malawi. Men and women, boys and girls attended and learned the big picture of the Old Testament. And several received Christ as their Savior that day.

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Walk Thru Voices

Bible Reading and COVID19

Are you struggling to read your Bible right now? In this edition of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael Gunnin talks about how we need to hear the promises of God in the Word, and we need its strength, its truth, its guidance. Will you commit to read your Bible with us for the next 7 days?

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Stories Of Impact

otLIVE Kids Event in a Virtual World

In Manila, Thelma Domingo teaches our otLIVE Kids event to 44 children and their families over Zoom during COVID19 lockdowns. Usually taught live and in-person, Miss Thelma is the first to teach the event in this new way in a virtual world. The children and their families loved it!

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