Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

Step into Walk Thru's global ministry by reading the latest news and catch a glimpse of what God is doing as we share stories, new resources, opportunities to pray, and important updates.

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President's Updates

Kenya Update 2 (2020-02-26)

Here is Rich's Kenya Update #2. He is training our East/West Africa country directors in our newest course, Chiseled. These leaders will take the teaching back to their countries and begin training pastors, who will then teach Chiseled to the people in their churches. This is one way Walk Thru the Bible serves the body of Christ: by equipping and training under-resourced pastors.

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Michael Imani
President's Updates

Kenya Update 1 (2020-02-24)

Rich Leland, our VP for International, is in Kenya to train our East/West Africa country directors to teach Chiseled to the pastors and leaders in their networks. Many of these pastors are under-resourced. These types of trainings equip them to teach and lead their congregations.

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Special Features

5 Words for Bible Lovers to Know: Canonization

This is a series on 5 words every Bible lover should know. The third word is "canonization," the process by which early church leaders received, recognized, and arranged the individual books into the official Bible.

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Sergey and Inna
Stories Of Impact

Sharing the Story of otLIVE

Sergey and Inna are passionate about sharing the truth of God’s Word with their community in Ukraine. They felt they couldn't always answer their coworkers' questions about biblical themes in a cohesive way. When their church hosted Walk Thru the Bible's otLIVE, they jumped at the chance. Read what happens next.

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President's Updates

Nicaragua Update 2 (2020-02-17)

Here is Phil's Nicaragua Update #2. He taught our newest course, Chiseled (based on the life of Simon Peter), to 250 pastors and their spouses. The pastors will share Chiseled with their congregations.

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President's Updates

Nicaragua Update 1 (2020-02-12)

Phil is in Nicaragua this week to teach our newest course, Chiseled, to 250 pastors and their spouses. The pastors will take Chiseled and all that they've learned back to their congregations to share with their people.

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Ministry News

A 6-month Report Card on Our Vision to Double Ministry Impact in 3 Years

On July 1, 2019, we launched a vision to double our global ministry impact in 3 years. Here is our first progress report.

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Stories Of Impact

Chosen in a Honduran Prison

For Walk Thru the Bible, launching a resource in a new country is like skipping a stone across a large pond. We give it as much momentum as we can, we train instructors, we equip as we can, but it's hard to gauge how much distance is covered until the ripples start to extend outward. We never know how God will use these new resources, but we do know that He does.

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Live Event
Ministry News

Do you love to teach God’s Word?

Do you love to teach God's Word? Do you want to expand your ministry and teaching platform? We are looking for experienced Bible teachers who are effective communicators to join our team of live event instructors!

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