Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

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Memory in Malawi
Ministry News

Give Hope to Children in Malawi

Each month, Walk Thru the Bible teaches otLIVE to 7000 school children in Malawi. For children like Memory, Lydia, and others, these simple Bible lessons are bringing life-changing hope and impact.

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Special Features

7 Signs of a Grateful Heart

Gratitude is meant to be a year-round attitude, and it creates a rich environment for us to live in, both within our hearts and in our relationships. So how do we know if we are living with gratitude?

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Philippines Trip
President's Updates

Philippines Update 5 (2019-11-18)

Phil, Gil, Rich, and Fetan teach Chiseled to more than 1,300 people in the last few days!

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Philippines Trip
President's Updates

Philippines Update 4 (2019-11-13)

In today's update, Phil, Gil, Rich, and five of our country directors travel to Biblical Seminary of the Philippines, where Wilson taught otLIVE to the seminary students.

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Philippines Trip
President's Updates

Philippines Update 3 (2019-11-12)

Today, Phil, Gil, and Rich taught 36 people to teach Chiseled to their churches, organizations, and ministry contexts.

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Give hope in Kenya
Ministry News

Give Hope

There are many, many at-risk girls and boys around the world who need to know the truth of God’s Word—the truth that they are loved by their heavenly Father, the truth that He has a plan for their lives, the truth that they are of inestimable worth in His eyes.

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President's Updates

Philippines Update 2 (2019-11-10)

Phil, Rich, Gil, and Fetan are training and equipping our country directors to teach Chiseled, our new course on the life of Simon Peter. In turn, they'll teach their trainers to teach it to the pastors, who will teach it to their congregations.

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President's Updates

Philippines Update 1 (2019-11-08)

Our newest course, Chiseled, will be launched in the Philippines tomorrow (11.9.19). Phil Tuttle, our president, and Rich Leland, our VP of International, are there to lead the training with Gil Balignasay, our Regional Director for Southeast Asia/Pacific and Fetan Tancongco, our board chair in the Philippines.

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Ministry News

Chosen – Perfect for Advent!

What do you do when life doesn’t go as planned? When God chooses you for His mission and calls you into the unknown?

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