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The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

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Stories Of Impact

New Growth in Vietnam

After years of starts and stops, Walk Thru the Bible’s ministry in Vietnam is picking up speed again. “We’re reigniting relationships,” says Mark Schaaf, Walk Thru the Bible’s international training director. By reactivating old networks and seeking new opportunities, Mark will help lead an “intentional expansion across Southeast Asia.”

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Stories Of Impact

Awakening a Giant

“Walk Thru the Bible is committed to impacting the Roma community in Romania and throughout Europe by offering the most practical training tools available,” says Beni Lup, Walk Thru's Eastern Europe regional director. “We’ve trained thousands of leaders in courses on marriage, parenting, spiritual growth, and leadership.”

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Stories Of Impact

Impact Through Partnership

Recently, Walk Thru the Bible hosted two training conferences at Compassion International’s child development centers in Tsevie and Lomé. Samuel Eklou, Walk Thru the Bible’s country director for Togo, reports that 86 people representing more than 20 churches received training to teach otLIVE. Every participant ministers to children in his or her local church and community, and some are Compassion International employees.

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Special Features


Our family loves baseball. There’s just something about sitting in the stadium with your family, the sun beating down on your head, a hot dog in your hand, watching your team play the game you love. If they win, that’s great but it’s not required. We love it that much.

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