Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

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Empty pathway at sunset with the quote "New to the Bible? Start Here!"
Daily Walk

New to the Bible? Start Here!

Are you new to reading the Bible? Whether you’re a new believer or you’ve been following Jesus for a long time, Michael gives us 5 tips for new Bible readers to help us get started reading God’s Word, like where to start reading it, how to start reading it, and more!

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woman holding Bible and reaading
Daily Walk

Read Through the Bible in 2024

Read through the Bible in one year with us! Make 2024 the year you read all the way from Genesis through Revelation; from the Tree of Life in Eden created to the Tree of Life in Eden restored.

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Ministry News

The Greatest Gift

God gave us the Greatest Gift when He sent His Son, Jesus, to us.

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Special Features

The Meaning of Christmas

Have you pondered the meaning of Christmas? Did that innocent Baby in the feeding trough really hold the answer for us all? Yes, He did, and does.

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Stories Of Impact

Giving Tuesday: Help Kids Everywhere Live God’s Word

On this Giving Tuesday, help kids everywhere live God's Word!

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Stories Of Impact

Helping Pastors and Displaced People in Ukraine Live God’s Word

Walk Thru the Bible is helping pastors and displaced people in Ukraine live God's Word.

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Special Features

2023 Christmas Devotional

"While We're Waiting..." is our free, 2023 Christmas devotional, to help prepare your heart for Christmas.

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Stories Of Impact

Helping Kids in Malawi Live God’s Word

Walk Thru the Bible is helping kids in Malawi--and everywhere--live God's Word! We teach God's Word to 8,000 public school children in Malawi every year.

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Special Features

A Grateful Heart

There's only one way to maintain a grateful heart, and that's to meditate on all the reasons we should be grateful.

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