Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

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Daily Walk

Where Is Your Heart?

The God of the universe, who knows everything and created everything and is in charge of everything, wants a love relationship with you. And He's what your heart has wanted all along.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Roy Peterson on Being Rescued by Jesus

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY Podcast, Phil talks with former Wycliffe and Seed Company President, Roy Peterson. At age 19, Roy was convicted and sentenced to at least 5 years in a Mexican prison. Roy shares the story of how Jesus rescued him and redeemed his life for His glory. Powerful!

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Stories Of Impact

To the Ends of the Earth

Walk Thru the Bible is going to the ends of the earth to pick up the mantle of discipleship in the jungle of Venezuela on the border of Colombia.

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Ministry News

Climb Mt. Sinai with Us!

Join us for otPANORAMIC the Tour for the journey of a lifetime! We'll climb 7 mountains in 3 countries in 12 transformational days! Not just another Holy Land tour, otPANORAMIC the Tour is a distinctly Walk Thru the Bible trip.

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Special Features

Irreplaceable You: Designed with a Purpose

God designed irreplaceable you with a specific purpose for a specific time and place. You are one of a kind, handcrafted, with a role that only you can fill!

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Special Features

The Great Battle

No matter what you're facing in life, no matter what you're going through, there is a fundamental, foundational truth and it is this: God is good. There is no darkness in Him.

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Daily Walk

How to Make Bible Reading More than a Checklist

When life gets busy, it seems like Bible reading is just another thing we have to get done. Michael gives us 4 questions to ask ourselves to help create moments of application for God's Word to sink deep into our hearts.

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5 tips for new Bible readers
Daily Walk

5 Tips for New Bible Readers

Are you new to Bible reading? Michael gives us 5 tips for new Bible readers, like where to start reading the Bible, how to start, and more!

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Stories Of Impact

The Impact of One Life

Walk Thru the Bible trains and equips under-resourced pastors around the world, many of whom have had no formal theological training. Here's Pastor Bera's story.

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