Bible Reading

The Latest from Walk Thru the Bible

Step into Walk Thru's global ministry by reading the latest news and catch a glimpse of what God is doing as we share stories, new resources, opportunities to pray, and important updates.

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Stories Of Impact

Opening Bibles, Opening Hearts

Walk Thru the Bible's resources and events are making a difference around the world, even in areas that are hostile or dangerous to Christ-followers, where even owning a Bible gets people thrown in jail, beaten, or worse.

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Daily Walk

4 Tips to Maximize Your Bible Reading in 2023

If you're reading through the Bible with us in 2023, here are 4 tips to keep you on track and help you maximize your Bible reading.

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Special Features

Finding Time to Read the Bible

Turning the calendar to a new year inspires people to eat better, fix their finances, exercise, and for many, to read through the Bible. Here are 3 tips to help you find the time to read God's Word in 2023.

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Special Features

Advent: Jesus With Us

During this season of Advent, join Phil Tuttle as he explores some titles of Jesus from Isaiah 6:9.

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Special Features

The Mystery of the Manger

Why would God choose for Jesus to be born in a manger? Why would He choose such a humble beginning on earth for His Son, for Emmanuel, "God With Us"?

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Daily Walk

Read Through the Bible in One Year

Read through the Bible with us! We have tools and resources to help: Daily Walk Reading Plan, Daily Walk Podcast, Daily Walk Bible, and more, as you read through God's Word in 2023.

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Walk Thru Voices

You Got This!

The words we tell ourselves about ourselves are so powerful. As Christians, when we load ourselves up with guilt over our sins and mistakes, when we focus on our unworthiness, we must preach the Gospel to ourselves every day.

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Step Into The Story Podcast

Alisa Keeton on the Biblical Approach to Wellness

On this episode of STEP INTO THE STORY, Phil talks with Alisa Keeton, founder of Revelation Wellness. Alisa shares Revelation's truly Christ-centered approach to health and wellness, helping people love God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength.

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Special Features

Jesus, Our Righteousness

That’s why Jesus came. He paid attention not only to every small letter and stroke of the pen, but also to the Spirit behind them. In so doing, He accomplished what we could not—righteousness.

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