Bible Reading

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Walk Thru Voices

The Foundations of Your Temple

Every temple that man has built will one day be torn down. However, on this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael Gunnin takes us through Ephesians to learn how we can set our foundations on something eternal.

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Ministry News

Check Out Our 2022 Christmas Offerings!

This Christmas season, we have a few gifts we'd like to give you! Check out our free Christmas offerings!

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Walk Thru Voices

Be Thankful for Our Differences

In this week's episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Phil Tuttle takes us through Galatians to remind us to see the blessing of different opinions while remaining focused on what should unify all believers—the Gospel.

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Ministry News

Introducing CATALYST, a Study on the Life of Barnabas!

That’s we're so excited to announce our newest study from the Biblical Characters Series based on the life of the apostle Barnabas—Catalyst: Helping Others Pursue Their Purpose.

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Walk Thru Voices

Choosing Thankfulness

On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael Gunnin takes us through 1 Corinthians to see how Paul responds to the church in Corinth, a church who was engaging in a multitude of troubling, sinful behaviors. And yet, Paul still begins his letter to the Corinthians by thanking God for them—and we can follow his example.

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Walk Thru Voices

This Election Season, Find Unity in the Gospel

As we're coming off another election day, Phil Tuttle takes us through Romans 1 to learn what Paul has to say about the church's relationship with government, coping with differing opinions, and finding true unity through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Walk Thru Voices

Living with Urgency

Do you ever read about the early church in Acts and wonder, "Why doesn't my Christian walk look anything like theirs? How did they live with so much boldness when my life feels so safe?" On this episode of WALK THRU VOICES, Michael Gunnin talks about the power of living with urgency.

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Special Features

Finding True Refuge: Ministry in Ukraine

Boris Volkov shares the painful, harrowing, and ultimately grace-filled journey that he and his family have experienced since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Though he had to leave his home, Boris did not leave behind God’s call on his life to ministry. God immediately began opening up doors for Boris to teach Refuge to displaced Ukrainians across Europe.

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Special Features

Set Your Heart

You can no longer afford to set your heart on pain and brokenness, or even on any goals less than eternal, beautiful, and good. An entirely new realm is offered to you. Live in it fully.

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