Partnering with One Child – Walk Thru Stories
Walk Thru Stories
Region: Central America
Partnering with One Child
In the midst of Honduras’ natural beauty lies a stark reality of deep poverty, especially affecting children. With 70% of the population living in impoverished conditions, with gang violence running rampant, and with plenty of natural disasters, Walk Thru the Bible is bringing hope to children and their families in Honduras.
In 2023, Walk Thru the Bible Honduras partnered with One Child—an organization that offers food, education, tutoring, medicine, and skills training, as well as teaching the Word of God to children in three areas in Honduras (Tegucigalpa, La Ceiba, and Choluteca).
In the Fall of 2023, our regional director for Central America, Alejandro Oviedo, and Laura Oviedo, our children’s coordinator for Central America, trained One Child’s 60 teachers in otLIVE (our event that teaches the big picture of the Old Testament in a fun, interactive, and memorable way). In 2024, this team will return to train the teachers in our ntLIVE.
One Child’s teachers will teach otLIVE and ntLIVE to the 5,400 children they minister to in Honduras across their three areas each year. “When I hear the testimonies of the children of One Child when they learn the big picture of Scripture through Walk Thru the Bible’s otLIVE and ntLIVE, I can tell you that the children’s ministry of Walk Thru the Bible is a successful program to reach the new generations with God’s Word,” says Alejandro Oviedo.
“Walk Thru’s children’s ministry in partnership with One Child has been able to impact not only the lives of children, but also their parents and their communities,” says Laura Oviedo.
“Walk Thru’s children’s ministry in partnership with One Child has been able to impact not only the lives of children, but also their parents and their communities,” says Laura Oviedo.
One Child partners with churches in Honduras to provide the ministry to the children and their parents. But since they are located in churches, One Child provides ministry to local pastors. Alejandro and Laura traveled to a church in Tegucigalpa to train 80 pastors and church leaders, who are associated with One Child, in our streaming video course Bible Study Simplified.
“The pastors were really engaged with Bible Study Simplified,” said Alejandro. “The material helps people understand how to deeply study the Bible, and trains pastors in sermon preparation,” he said. “The pastors will be able to take this new teaching back to their congregations. And they were very excited that they could download the guide and share it with their people as they study the Word together.”
Walk Thru the Bible helps kids everywhere, families everywhere, pastors everywhere, live God’s Word. Our ministry in Honduras is making an eternal, kingdom impact through God and His Word. And doubling our efforts by partnering together with other ministries, we can impact more and more people around the world with the hope and truth of Scripture.
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