Philippines Update 1 (2019-11-08)
Some people say it takes one day to adjust to each time zone you cross before you get over jet lag. I certainly hope that equation isn’t correct because Ellen and I will only be here in the Philippines for 13 days and we crossed 13 time zones to get here!
After flying 14 hours from Atlanta to Narita Japan, we took another five-hour flight and arrived in Manila late Wednesday night. Rich Leland, our VP of International, arrived 10 minutes after we did. Thursday was a recovery day to acclimate to the hot, humid weather and begin to adjust to life on the other side of the world.
Today (Friday) we took a 55-minute flight to Bacolod City on the Island of Negros with Gil and Emmy Balignasay and Fetan and Dell Tancongco. Gil is our Regional Director for Southeast Asia/Pacific and Fetan is the Chair of our Board in the Philippines. I get to minister here with these six people, and they are truly the dream team! I can’t wait to see what God is going to do during our time here.
Our main goal for this trip is to launch our new course called Chiseled: Becoming the Masterpiece God Created You to Be. The course is based on the life of Simon Peter. Rich, Gil, and I will teach it tomorrow (Saturday) at Ikthus Church here in Bacolod. Pastor Bong met us at the airport, and he took us and some of their church staff members out for the best chicken I’ve ever eaten. Our stories and laughter helped us bond quickly and got us all ready to serve together. Plus, we each received our official Chiseled t-shirts that we’ll wear at the conference tomorrow!
On Sunday, Rich and I will both preach here and then we’ll fly back to Manila. We’ll meet with our country directors and key leaders from all over Southeast Asia and the Pacific who are coming to get trained in Chiseled. And we’ll strategize on our bold vision to double our ministry impact over the next three years. Each leader will then return home and (if necessary) translate this new resource and produce the workbook, PowerPoint, and teacher’s guide for the people they serve.
I’ll share more in my next update so you can pray specifically and purposefully. Thank you for your prayers and support! Without you, none of this life-changing ministry would be possible.
Phil Tuttle is president & CEO of Walk Thru the Bible.
Additional Articles

Kenya Update 2 (2020-02-26)
Here is Rich's Kenya Update #2. He is training our East/West Africa country directors in our newest course, Chiseled. These leaders will take the teaching back to their countries and begin training pastors, who will then teach Chiseled to the people in their churches. This is one way Walk Thru the Bible serves the body of Christ: by equipping and training under-resourced pastors.
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Kenya Update 1 (2020-02-24)
Rich Leland, our VP for International, is in Kenya to train our East/West Africa country directors to teach Chiseled to the pastors and leaders in their networks. Many of these pastors are under-resourced. These types of trainings equip them to teach and lead their congregations.
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