or more than 45 years, our mission at Walk Thru the Bible has been helping people everywhere live God’s Word.
We work to make the Bible not just accessible for people, but also applicable and understandable. We want to help people to not just have knowledge of the Bible, to not just read it occasionally or to only hear it in church or Bible study once a week, but to help them truly engage with Scripture and apply it to their lives. Daily.
At Walk Thru the Bible, we know the Bible changes everything—changes hearts,

changes lives, changes families, and most importantly, changes eternities. We work to make Kingdom impact in more than 140 countries through our live events and biblical resources. We help people experience life transformation through engaging with the Word of God in memorable, innovative ways.
And because we know the Bible changes everything, we want people to dive deep into Scripture, to immerse themselves in God’s Story—after all, it’s their story too! And we want to create global Bible movements.
Helping kids everywhere …
From Honduras to Peru, from UK to Ukraine, from India to the Philippines, from Malawi to Johannesburg, from Nigeria to Kenya, and more, we are helping kids everywhere live God’s Word. Kids who are in homes of other faiths, kids who live in gang neighborhoods, kids who are living in the middle of a war, kids who are living in a persecuted nation, and more, we help them to learn God’s Word and how to apply it to their lives.
We reach them in public schools, orphanages, day camps, dusty playgrounds, and yes, even Christian schools and Sunday schools. We also partner with other ministries who serve kids who live in poverty, who need help with their school work, and more. Watch this video of our work in Honduras:
Our otLIVE and ntLIVE events teach them the big picture story of God’s Word … because it’s in the big picture that we see the heart of God. And that’s where everything changes.
Helping teachers everywhere …

In countries outside the U.S., Walk Thru the Bible gets to train public school teachers to teach our otLIVE and ntLIVE events in public schools. And teachers have told us that they’ve been impacted and inspired and have learned about the God who loves them and has a plan for their lives.
We know that when people engage with God’s Word, everything changes.
Helping families everywhere …

Around the world, families are learning God’s Word together—parents, kids, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and more—through Walk Thru the Bible’s events and resources. From the jungles of Colombia and Venezuela to the mountains in the Philippines, from the rural U.S. to inner-city U.S. and more, our otLIVE and ntLIVE events, as well as our Biblical Character Series courses, are drawing families closer to the Word of God and the God of the Word.
Helping the displaced and the persecuted everywhere …

There are lots of displaced people, refugees, in the world today—because of war, environmental disasters, financial reasons, and more—and we are ministering to them with our live events and biblical resources. And there are many placed in the world where it’s dangerous to be a Christ-follower. At Walk Thru the Bible, we minister to the displaced, the refugee, and the persecuted.
God is using our tools and resources to draw people to Himself, to bless and comfort those who are suffering—whether it’s for their faith in Jesus Christ or because they are displaced or refugees.
People whose lives are threatened by danger and despair find hope and encouragement in God’s Word through the resources of Walk Thru the Bible.
Helping pastors everywhere …
From Siberia to Nicaragua, from Johannesburg to the Philippines, from rural America to war-torn Ukraine (and more!), we serve, train, and equip under-resourced pastors. There are men and women who are called by God to lead a congregation, but they’ve had no formal theological education or training. Our Pastors Institute, streaming courses, Biblical Character Series studies, pastor conferences, and more, equip pastors to grow in their walk with God so they can help their people grow in theirs.
Walk Thru the Bible equips pastors and church leaders with training and tools to make disciples in their local communities.
… live God’s Word!
And love God’s Word!
Your support will give the hope of God’s Word to the biblically unengaged—kids, teachers, families, and more—around the world. They may be new believers who don’t know anything about the Bible, or people who have never had access to God’s Word, or families of other faiths, or children in dangerous situations like gang neighborhoods or war-torn areas or even closed countries.
Your support will give the hope of God’s Word to persecuted believers who live in areas where it’s dangerous to even own a Bible. Many of them live in situations where their families have shunned them or kicked them out because they’ve become a Jesus-follower. Many of them worship in secret churches. But they need to know the hope of Scripture and that the Church is with them.
Your support will give the hope of God’s Word to under-resourced pastors around the world who are not equipped with the training and the tools they need to follow their God-given calling. From pastors in the rural U.S. to pastors in impoverished nations like Nicaragua to pastors in war-torn Ukraine, we are equipping pastors to lead their congregations to a deeper relationship with God and a deeper understanding of His Word.
At Walk Thru the Bible, we know that the Bible changes everything. The Kingdom-impact of people who fall in love with the Word of God and the God of the Word is unstoppable! Together, we can bring the life-changing hope and truth of the Bible to the world!
Will you partner with us today to help people everywhere live God’s Word?
You gift by June 30, the end of our fiscal year, will help Walk Thru the Bible minister to at least four million people everywhere, helping them to live God’s Word.
And that changes everything!