CenterPoint Community Church

CenterPoint Community Church - 03079 School Street, Salem, NH, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Central Pennsylvania Bible Confernce (TCPBC)

Lakemont Park Soho Room -16602 Lakemont Park Boulevard, Altoona, PA, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Deford Community Church

Deford Community Church - 48729 1392 N Kingston Rd, Deford, MI, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Grace Bible Church

Grace Bible Church - 66605 4021 SE 37th St. KS, Topeka, KS, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

9:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Faith Baptist Church

Faith Baptist Church - 49221 Hunt Road, Adrian, MI, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

First Session is included in the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
Light luncheon following the service.
Session 2-5 begins at 12:30 and concludes by 3:00.

Atascadero Gospel Chapel

Atascadero Gospel Chapel - 93422 8205 Curbaril Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Chinese Bible Church of San Diego

Chinese Bible Church of San Diego - 92128 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Reidsville Christian Church

Reidsville Christian Church - 27320 South Park Drive, Reidsville, NC, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

Session 1 - Morning Worship service
Sessions 2-5 Immediately after lunch

Perry Creek Church

Perry Creek Church - 27616 Perry Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

Session 1 in 10:30 worship
Sessions 2-5, Immediately after lunch

Ashes to Life

Ashes to Life - 15010 4th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA, United States

Experience the story of the Old Testament through a fun, compelling, and engaging event that will change the way you read the Bible.

Schedule Details:

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM