Experience the story of redemption like never before as this unforgettable event brings the New Testament to life.

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Your congregation may know the events of early Christianity, but do they know the full story of the origin of the church? Do they know what happened in the 400 years between the Old and New Testaments when the stage of the world, society, and technology was being set for the perfect moment to begin the next phase of God’s rescue plan?

In two and a half hours, a certified ntLIVE instructor can lead a church or group in a fun and exciting event that teaches the big picture of the New Testament. Attendees will learn the major events, people, and chronology of the New Testament and understand its storyline, maybe putting the familiar stories all together for the first time.

We’ve been teaching the big story of the Bible for more than 40 years. Millions of people all around the world have experienced a Walk Thru the Bible live event. Here’s what we’ve discovered: more important than just teaching information, it will also ignite passion for reading God’s Word. After attending ntLIVE, a whopping 75% of participants commit to daily Bible reading!

“ntLIVE woke me up from my slumber. Nearly all my life I have longed for deep spiritual truth and teaching but everything else always seemed to fall short. Walk Thru the Bible has finally given me a concise, yet wonderful synopsis of God’s Word. The live event is the catalyst that has finally moved me on to a new journey. I praise God for directing me to this event.” – ntLIVE Attendee

We know that God’s Word changes everything. It contains the answers to the challenges that your people are facing today. Let us help you get your people in the Word with our live events. Click on “Host An Event” to learn more with no obligation.

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Help people encounter the living God through His Word and witness life transformation

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