Teaching With Style Classic DVD Series


A Teacher Training Series

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Teaching With Style with Dr. Bruce Wilkinson. A Walk Thru the Bible Classic Series

Have you been commissioned by God to teach? The person who teaches with a prepared heart has a passion to communicate—nothing can quench that desire! Passion is manifest in a love for students, and is borne out of a deep sense of commission from God. This teacher is doing the right thing by teaching—and knows it! The person whose heart is prepared is a person who teaches with style. By the grace of God, you can be that person!

After completing Teaching with Style, my whole style of teaching has completely changed. I can’t tell you the number of people in my Sunday School class that have come up to me in the past year and told me that they like ‘my style’ of teaching and how much it has helped them understand God’s Word more clearly. I honestly can’t wait to teach Sunday School each month. Thank you. —Stan Parker, Second Baptist Houston, TX

Note: Although this series was filmed some time ago, you’ll find the teaching just as relevant today. Truth is timeless!