“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11


Join us for the Scripture Memory Challenge!



In Psalm 119:11, King David wrote, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” 

When we were kids, it was easy (and fun!) to memorize Bible verses. Yes, we had the incentive of a prize in VBS or an award in Sunday School for memorizing Scripture. But as we get older and have families, responsibilities, jobs, and more, it’s a little more difficult.

Memorizing Scripture helps us when we need God’s guidance or direction. It reminds us of God’s faithfulness and His promises. It helps us to tune in to the Holy Spirit’s conviction. It helps us to recall God’s Word when we’re anxious, confused, desperate, or in need of hope. 

And it grows our faith.

So how do we do this?

How can we hide God’s Word in our hearts? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Read the verse or passage several times
  • Listen to the verse (check out our Daily Walk Podcast!)
  • Speak the verse
  • Sing the verse
  • Write the verse in a journal, on sticky notes, on index cards, and more
  • Repeat the verse
  • Better yet: what works best for you?

Join us for the Walk Thru the Bible Scripture Memory Challenge!

Members of our U.S. team are taking the challenge with you!

Below is a FREE download to help you on your Scripture Memory Challenge. There are some tips to help you get started; some verses that you can start on (if you’d like); some prompts; a place for you to write your verses, and more.

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